Legend Companies
8440 Eagle Creek Pkwy
Savage, MN 55378
Very few people within the construction industry possess the vision, capability, expertise, and business acumen to transform a fledgling startup mechanical contracting company into one of the 10 largest mechanical contractors in the market. Marc Thiery is one of those people. After operating a successful mechanical contractor for the better part of 20 years, Marc came on board with Legend Companies during its first days in existence, and immediately took the helm as the dynamic and passionate leader that the company required. Marc currently serves as the President and co-owner of Legend Companies, and his drive to be successful and build a sustainable legacy within the industry is most accurately reflected in the quality of the people that he has developed around him; his leadership teams, his support staff, his field crews, and his family. With an operations background and an unmatched understanding of system implementation, solutions, and logistics, Marc has set the bar on deliverables, ensuring the clients expectations are always met and exceeded. More importantly, Marc serves as a leader and mentor to the Legend Companies team carefully crafting the strategic plan and developing the corporate initiatives required to maintain sustainability and to motivate the teams to achieve their collective goals. Marc also has a powerful and ongoing commitment to give back to the community and to those less fortunate. He regularly volunteers his time and resources to several community and faith-based charities, and has traveled frequently to the Dominican Republic to help build and maintain a college preparatory school for local youth. Marc’s passion extends beyond his business where enjoys spending time hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, riding ATV’s, and generally enjoying the outdoors with his wife Lisa, his children Tony and Alyssa, and his grandson Greyson.
8440 Eagle Creek Parkway, Savage, MN 55378
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